Know the warning signs – how to tell when your turbo is failing 1

Know the warning signs – how to tell when your turbo is failing

Oil problems, debris, overspeeding, wear and tear…there are a number of different things that can cause a turbocharger to fail, but catching a problem early can save you a lot of time, money and hassle in the long run.

At AET, we’ve been helping customers with their turbochargers since 1974, and in this post, we explore some of the tell tale signs that your turbo might be on the way out, or in need of urgent repairs/maintenance by one of our turbocharging experts.

Turbos and temperature – summer weather and turbocharger performance 1

Turbos and temperature – summer weather and turbocharger performance

One common question that we often get from customers is why turbochargers perform differently depending on the time of year, temperature and weather. Generally, these customers have noticed a significant drop in performance on hot summer days when compared to cooler spring and autumn nights.

Whilst this is a common trait amongst all turbocharged vehicles, and isn’t anything to worry too much about – in this post, we take a look at why turbochargers produce less power in hot weather, and what you can do about it.

Meet the Manufacturers – Introducing the leading names in Turbocharging

Meet the Manufacturers – Introducing the leading names in Turbocharging

Last month on the blog, we looked at where big automotive brands get their turbochargers, and learnt that the vast majority of the big car companies actually buy in their turbos from other companies.

In this month’s post, we’re going to look at some of these specialist turbocharging companies in a little more detail, exploring the kind of turbos they make, and why they are trusted by the major automotive brands.